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Monoxid Child Interveiw
Monoxide Child Interview
This interview was conducted by LoKe & Delusional of
First off we want to thank Alex Abbis and Dougie Doug for setting up the interview with
Monoxide. This was a great opportunity for to get all the answers that
Juggalos have been looking for. This interview contains shit found no where else but here at Everything from MTV to Eminem to Halfbreed and much more! It’s all
Delusional: So how has shit been since Freekshow’s been released?
Monoxide: It’s been straight. I mean the response wasn’t as big as we thought, but it was still
better than the last album.
Delusional: Yeah, no doubt.
Monoxide: It’s already probably at like 60,000; but the record labels, they’re like what the
fuck? But like, to us, it took us like 3 muthafuckin’ months to get to 60,000, know what I’m
sayin’? I’ll just be real wit’ it.
LoKe: Were you surprised to see it make it almost to the Top 50 [on the Billboard Charts]?
Monoxide: I don’t really pay attention to that Billboard shit. It’s cool, know what I’m sayin’?
That’s fresh but that’s all mainstream shit, you know, I don’t really fuck wit’ that shit. I mean
it’s cool, know what I’m sayin? Fuck it; that’s just another day, you know? Just another place
somebody saw Twiztid’s name.
Delusional: Jamie said on his last interview that his favorite track was “Empty”; how ‘bout
Monoxide: My favorite track is probably “Different”. That’s my shit; I like that a lot. I mean, I
like “Empty” too, know what I’m sayin’? It’s fresh.
LoKe: But “Different” really explains what Twiztid is all about.
Monoxide: That’s why I like it… exactly. Like that’s the band. That sums up me and Madrox
right there. That’s why I’m tryin’ to make that one the best. I mean that album is the shit to
me. To me that’s the best shit we’ve done so far; but it’s like, we ALREADY started on the next
shit. And that shit is like BETTER than this one! It just keeps getting’ better. We’re on the right
track, know what I’m sayin’? Everything keeps goin’ forward. Always keep it forward.
Delusional: So when’s that shit slated to come out, man?
Monoxide: Shit, we ain’t got no release date. We’re just getting’ it done, know what I’m
sayin? Just take a lil’ bit of time off before we go out on this tour. Just go into the studio and
just keep goin’ at it.
LoKe: You got any left-over scraps off Freekshow that you decided not to put on the album?
Monoxide: Nope, actually we used everything except the original version of “Different” was
somethin’ different. It was somethin’ completely different. It was completely different lyrics
and everything. It was a song called “I Remember”. It was fresh, but it didn’t fit, know what
I’m sayin’? And we ended up fuckin’ around and change the beat all up but if you listen to
that song “I Remember”, you know right off the bat like “that’s the shit from Different.” But
that’s the only thing. Everything else was just like, “that’s da bomb!” We like all of it. We
couldn’t even come wit’ a B-Side record this time, know what I’m sayin’? We used everything.
LoKe: You plan on ever releasing the original version of “Different”?
Monoxide: Oh, nah. I doubt it. Nah, not at all. But that’s just me talkin’. Madrox can talk me
into some shieet. He’ll be like, “Nah man trust me, this’ll be the shit!”, know what I’m sayin’?
He can talk me into it. But me? I’m like “nahhh”. I’m nervous wit’ shit like that. If it ain’t trump
tight, I don’t want people to hear it. Like wit’ the Cryptic Collection comin’ out. You gotta
House of Krazees track on it; shit just ain’t right. It ain’t the way I was, but he explained his
points and I was like, “aight, aight, I’ll let you fly wit’ it.” I mean it sold like a motherfucker,
but it’s like, it aint always about sellin’, ya know what I’m sayin?
LoKe: Yeah, that’s true. It’s as long as you keep the Juggalos happy.
Monoxide: Yeah, and that’s what it was. They were like, “that’s the shit!” It ended up poppin’
so I was like, “that was a good call.” But as far as me, personally inside of me, I ain’t feelin’
none of dat shit; except for “Ain’t A Damn Thang Changed” ‘cause that’s the shit. We did it
“Twiztid”, ya know? It was like, alotta that shit I don’t like. It was fresh but it’s like, keepin’ a
fire burnin’ for the people that just ain’t there, ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like, alotta people
now wanna hear the House of Krazees a lot and that’s because of me and Madrox. No ends to
R.O.C. or Halfbreed at all! Nobody gave a fuck about dat shit until we started doin’ somethin’.
It’s like, I want Juggalos to understand. Real true Juggalos, do not fuck wit’ dat shit, ya know
what I’m sayin’? Don’t get snowed into it and don’t think we’re still in the band, if that’s what
you’re lookin’ for. We have absolutely nothin’ to do wit’ it. If you wanna buy it just ‘cause you
like music, ya know, do ya thang. I don’t hate on anybody. But don’t think, ya know what I’m
sayin’, that we’re on that shit. We have nuthin’ to do wit’ it. We’ll NEVER have anything to do
wit’ it.
LoKe: Yeah and speakin’ of that, when you were goin’ by Hektik, someone told me you were
workin’ on a solo project called the “Undaworld”?
Monoxide: Nope, ya know what it was?
LoKe: What?
Monoxide: It was Brian (R.O.C.) always wantin’ to do a solo album. So he would constantly
push that he thought me and Madrox wanted to do a solo album. And it was always like nah,
ya know what I’m sayin’? If you wanna tell a muthafucka that, you can. But I’m not a solo
artist, know what I’m sayin’? And Madrox understands he ain’t a solo artist. He tried it and he
was like fuck this! Ya know what I’m sayin’? It was like me and him for life! That’s it. It’s me
and that kid for life! That’s how it is. Everything, me and him.
Delusional: No doubt. Psychopathic style man, shit.
Monoxide: Straight up!
Delusional: What’s up wit’ Lavel and Anybody Killa?
Monoxide: Lavel is a ol’ school homie, know what I’m sayin’? I go back wit’ Lavel longer than
I go back wit’ Madrox. About 20 years, know what I’m sayin’? That’s my ol’ school homie and
we’re on the road and he wants to do some shit so I was just like, “Alright. Go ‘head homie. If
it pops you can do it!”
LoKe: Is he releasing shit on Psychopathic?
Monoxide: Nah, he ain’t signed on the label. We’re just tryin’ to help him out, know what I’m
sayin’? Like he doesn’t know enough, yet. We couldn’t even fuck wit’ em. People gotta
understand that me and Madrox, we’re not artists. We’re everything. We’re management.
We’re everything. We do everything ourselves. Psychopathic is strictly advisors, so to speak.
We come wit’ all our shit and they tell us what can be reality and what can’t be reality. If you
asked them how much hand they had in this pocket and they’ll be like “none”. We learned so
much from these motherfuckers in the last 3 years. That’s all we’ve done. “Mostasteless”, we
didn’t have shit to do wit’ it. Nothin’.
LoKe: Yeah, Jamie told us Mike E. Clark basically did everything on Mostasteless.
Monoxide: He did everything except like 4 songs. 4 beats. Of course me and Madrox write our
own shit, know what I’m sayin’? But we didn’t have shit to do wit’ it.
LoKe: But wit’ Freekshow it was all on you and Jamie right?
Monoxide: Yeah. Well, actually like 99.9%, because Shaggy did the beat for “Maniac Killa”.
But you know what I’m sayin’, we hooked up wit’ this dude named Fritz, know what I’m
sayin’? And it just ended up clickin’. Now we like just got our own sound. It’s fresh. We’re
comfortable. Finally.
Delusional: Yeah, what’s that shit called? It’s like…Syst…--
Monoxide: Systasyrosis Soundsquad. It was illness and shit.
Delusional: Yeah, that’s some tight shit.
Monoxide: So you guys like the new album?
Delusional: Hell yeah man.
LoKe: I’ll be honest wit’ you. Before that shit came out I didn’t think ya’ll could top
Mostasteless but then I was like, “Damn ya’ll outdone yourselves for real!” That shit’s tight.
Monoxide: Thanks a lot man. We definitely spent some shit on this one, know what I’m
sayin’? We were a lil’ nervous ‘cause like he said, his song is “Empty”. We don’t ever rap on
that shit! It’s all singin’. Talkin’ me into it is like “YOU CAN DO IT!” [does voice of dude from
Water Boy].
LoKe: And you shocked the Juggalos too. No one expected you to make a song like that.
Monoxide: I know and it was like worrisome. The record label, they wanted us to first single it
to the album. Like either “Different” or “People Are Strange”. And it was like, “Nah, we can’t
do that.” That’s why we came up wit’ “We Don’t Die” strictly for the Juggalos. Straight up. If
we wanted to blow this bitch up, we would’ve went wit’ “People Are Strange” and God only
knows what would’ve happened. That’s somethin’ that we learned by signin’ on to a big label
that alotta shit ain’t even in our fuckin’ hands anymore. A motherfucker can take our shit to
radio and be like “here it is” and if that radio guy wants to play it, that shit ain’t got shit to do
wit’ us. We can whip his ass everyday, move to his city, but we can’t do shit about it. That’s
the shit we found out about. That’s kind of a disadvantage wit’ signin’ wit’ a big label. They
TRY to work that bitch to MTV. You know what MTV told us?
LoKe: What?
Monoxide: “Fuuuck you! We’ll never put anything by you guys as long as it says the word DIE.
We Don’t Die? Are you serious? Axe murderin’?” Straight up. They were like “You’re fuckin’
nuts! You’ll never get on this shit.”
Delusional: That’s bullshit.
Monoxide: AND they told us that Blaze was way to hardcore for MTV television ‘cause he got
“blood” on his t-shirt. Like the one [We Don’t Die video] that you see on The Box. That one’s
alright. It don’t explain the explicit one. But it don’t explain it right. The explicit one is off the
hook. That’s the one that’s real fresh.
LoKe: So you’re sayin’ there’s another version...
Monoxide: Yup and we made a documentary and it should be out in December.
LoKe: Yeah, I just recently found a website that said January 9th…but I dunno…
Monoxide: Oh O.K. Then there ya go. They was sayin’ before Christmas if they could but if not
it would be out in the beginning of January. It’s dope as fuck dog! It’s called “Beyond the
LoKe: Is it basically kinda like a “Shockumentary”?
Monoxide: No…well…it’s kinda like that but it’s kinda like a “Behind the Music” rip-off, know
what I’m sayin’? It’s all narrorated by this fuckin’ weirdo ninja. It talks about our lives and
growin’ up and it shows all these weirdo pictures, but it shows mad Gathering footage. Like
us performing at Hallowicked 2 years ago footage. Performing at the Gathering footage. It’s
got the explicit video on it. The clean video on it. It’s dope dog. ICP with our makeup. It’s off
the fuckin’ hook! Can’t wait for that shit to come out. We just like got done doin’ the edits on
that. So that’s final.
LoKe: Think ya’ll will ever come out wit’ another video for Freekshow?
Monoxide: Oh yea, ya know what I’m sayin’? If they give us how it was. They gave us the
control they let us do whatever we wanted. We came wit’ “We Don’t Die”, know what I’m
Delusional: That’s wack about MTV though man.
Monoxide: Yeah but it’s like what are ya gonna do though? It’s like whatever. We don’t plan
on that shit. I mean if it came we’d do whatever we could to keep that shit in come kinda
boundry. You’re definitely never gonna see us with Carson Daly with our hands in our pockets
singin’ the lyrics to “We Don’t Die”. I mean if MTV wanted to spin our shit I’d be like WHOA!
We must be doin’ somethin’ wrong. I’d have to question me and Madrox. What are we doing
wrong? Maybe my pants are too tight. Maybe I should put my shirt back on. Don’t let the
make-up fool you.
Delusional: Haha…speakin’ of MTV man, what do you think of ICP and shit on that?
Monoxide: Those motherfuckers have been around here for like 10 years! And it’s like the 6th,
the final Joker’s card, is gonna be huge, know what I’m sayin’? So the way I see it…it was
gonna happen either way. And it’s like, motherfuckers are goin’ crazy over it! Some of ‘em
are like “fuck yeah.”, some of ‘em are like “that’s some bullshit.” And I’ll listen to the hotline,
know what I’m sayin’? When I get the chance and it’ll be full and shit, I’ll give it a listen and
I’ll listen to what people are sayin’. And I’ll here motherfuckers be like one day, “Fuck ‘em!
I’m sellin’ all my shit! Fuck Psychopathic and shit. You guys are gonna sell out too.” And 3
DAYS LATER that same motherfucker will call back and be like, “My bad dog, I got to thinkin’
about it and it’s time to make this shit bigger than it’s ever been!”
LoKe: Yeah ‘cause I mean, it takes time for them to realize why they’re doin’ it.
Monoxide: Yeah and what they don’t realize is that they didn’t change. That was the same
motherfuckin’ video they were gonna come wit’ before MTV was like “we’re gonna play your
shit” and that’s the same one! They ain’t changed a God damn thang. That’s exactly it and
that’s what I think motherfuckers gotta sit back and respect that. And MTV changed. They
literally changed. And that’s dope. I gotta give some respect to that. We’re straight. But
they’re about the blow this bitch off the hook.
Delusional: But it’s fuckin’ wack what Juggalos or SO-CALLED Juggalos are doin’…
Monoxide: Listen… the same motherfuckers that are sayin’ FUCK ICP for goin on MTV can tell
you the run-down of the MTV menu. Like, “well at 4:30 there was TRL, and at 5:00 there was
like Late Night Hype, and at 6:00 was the Karaoke.” They religiously watch that shit! That’s
how they know “Deftones is all over MTV” or “Kottonmouth got played on MTV” that’s how
the motherfuckers know. ‘Cause they watch it. They constantly watch it. If all these
motherfuckers watched, we go to shows. You know how many Juggalos we seen at a Limp
Bizkit concert that were at the ICP show or the Twiztid show? It’s like who’s foolin’ who?
Come the fuck on dog. Like to go like “FUCK ICP” then go party wit’ Limp Bizkit, know what
I’m sayin’? Like “Fuck ICP for being on MTV!” then go out and buy the new “Chocolate Dog
Water with the Starfish”. Like it don’t make sense dog. It’s just like baffling.
LoKe: And another thing is that it’s just gonna take a while. They’re gonna get over it. I
remember when ICP played Woodstock, Juggalos were helly pissed. A couple of weeks later
they just forgot about it…
Monoxide: Yeah, c’mon dog, know what I’m sayin’? It’s like what the fuck? Juggalos are our
mass. Don’t get me wrong, theres alotta mad Juggalos out there but it’s like for what? That
reason I would pose for anybody. ANYBODY that says they sold out by going on MTV or
whatever or has any beef wit’ that. And that’s what I pose for that. If it wasn’t for fuckin
“Jimmy and Johnny Kimalo” watchin’ it 24 hours a day, there would be no MTV. I would
personally start the petition…I’ve asked many people…I’ve asked lawyers…if there was any
way, if it still exists where you can get enough signatures to shut down a station and they said
that would never happen; not in this day in age. I was like, “I can guarantee you I can get a
million signatures to shut down MTV,” and they wouldn’t do it. I was about to go on a
campaign for that shit. But they told me personally it’s a waste of time. We can’t win. I mean
it would’ve blew the band up sky high but it ain’t about that. There’s a point. There’s a
purpose to this shit. Like if motherfucker’s wanna get real then lets turn that motherfucker off.
Don’t watch it at all. You gotta survive dog. It’s all about people payin’ them to advertise on
their station ‘cause their ratings are like 39.0. They got 39 billion people watchin’ this
motherfucker 24 hours a day. And that’s just it. If nobody’s watchin’ it, why would you wanna
promote your item up on there? Straight up. All a buncha politics. Juggalos ain’t hearin’ that
shit. Not ALL Juggalos. Just some of these Juggalos. I know they’re gonna come around dog.
Just everyone needs to watch what they say. Just think about it. Don’t go sayin’, “FUCK
EVERYBODY! FUCK THIS SHIT!” Just think about it. Just think about it. We’re here to steal
everybody’s shit. If Limp Bizkit was like “come do a show”, I’ma do that bitch! ‘Cause I’ma
leave wit’ your audience. Your audience, your Limp Bizkits, will become Juggalos! That’s the
whole plan. The whole purpose. Juggalo army. Like millions…millions and millions. As big as
we can get it. So that the President and Vice President secretly putting on Twiztid make-up on
like “Axe Murderas!…” ya know? And if that’s what it takes to use the means of MTV or radio
or whatever dog, muthafuckaz needa pick up that shit. Like “fuck yeah dog, way to take that
shit to the next level” ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like c’mon, where else can they go? It’s
like they got a million motherfuckers in their army right now they can go and try and take
over the world wit’. And we bring it up to bat like fuck it. It’s all for ONE thing dog and that’s to
make this shit as big as it can. To have a family, know what I’m sayin’? Shit ain’t for us.
Definitly ain’t just for us. If it was then we’d just be throwin’ out any ol’ thang. You’d come to
our in-store and we’d be there for a half-hour and bounce. Ain’t a motherfucker who can tell
me that I ain’t shake their hand and just to hand out wit’ these motherfuckers for a
half-second. These are the people why I’m talkin’ to you on the phone right now.
Delusional: No doubt man… we appreciate that shit too.
Monoxide: And don’t think we don’t know that shit. We pay attention to everything dog.
Everything. That’s one thing I give me and Madrox big credit on is that we stay extremely
grounded dog. Our heads are exactly where they need to be. We’re surrounded by the right
people and that’s what we needed man. That’s why we signed to Psychopathic Records.
Direction. They know exactly where they need to be.
Delusional: Aight so what’s up wit’ the Psychopathic Ryda Solo albums?
Monoxide: Uhhh…just some more talk. Everyone was like hypin’ it up and some people went
to the studio and recorded. I’d love to. I love gangsta. That’s my shit. I love doin’ that. But like,
if it aint there, it aint there. If I don’t got the time and I’m too busy wit’ Twiztid, then Foe Foe
and them gotta wait, ya know? And everyone understands that. But Jamie, he’s gotta couple
and I think he might one on the internet as well.
LoKe: Yeah and a while back on the hotline J played clips of his, Shaggy’s, and Madrox.
Monoxide: Yeah, Jamie did 2 of them bitches. They all did 2…everybody but me. I dunno
what the fuck I was doin’. I think I was doin’ the album. Like pre-production on this.
Delusional:Yeah, no doubt about that man. Shit’s so tight man.
Monoxide: Thanks man. Tryin’ to get this bitch out there. I can’t wait for the fuckin’ tour dog.
LoKe: Yeah, Dougie told me you were startin’ on Friday?
Monoxide: Yup…Toledo. Get up outta the one in Williamsville, New York ‘cause the venue
burnt down. But this is where it’s at man. It’s on the road. I like doin’ in-stores personally
myself better than I like even doin’ shows but just bein’ on the road is where it’s at. In-stores
are the shit dog ‘cause like you can meet everybody, know what I’m sayin’? Got like a
half-second to kick it wit’ dis fucker. This girl that’s goin’ crazy and can’t breathe. It’s like God
damn, ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like you don’t understand. It ain’t about me. I’ll be like
“hey how ya’ll doin’? Fuck me. How YOU doin’?” and that’s how we are. That’s how our shit
is. It ain’t just 2 people. Last time I checked on the last album [Mostasteless] there was like
250,000 people. There’s a bunch of us in the muthafucka. Me and Madrox, we represent.
We’re the visual representation. That’s it. We speak the words. That’s it. It ain’t nothin’ more
than that. There’s alotta muthafuckaz in this band.
LoKe: So how’s the Freekshow tour gonna be different from the Rock The Dead Tour?
Monoxide: Well the first difference is there will be alotta Freekshow material and we got
some straight ass production goin’ on. Fresh ass, crazy new merchandise. Whole line of
Freekshow shit. The set is devastating dog. Wait till ya’ll see it.
LoKe: Heh..yeah, speakin’ of that. You comin’ down to Florida?
Monoxide: Yeah, we will. We will be there. People are getting’ mad ‘cause they’re only
hearin’ me say shit up to the 17th and people gotta understand those ain’t the only dates.
That’s just the start. That’s just to kick it off. We weren’t originally gonna leave till January
‘cause of Christmas but then we were like fuck this, fuck sittin around, let’s go out there. Then
when we go back out in January it’s gonna be Freekshow still bringin’ the same show
everywhere. Everywhere where there will be atleast 2 muthafuckaz that will show up.
Delusional: How long is that tour gonna be by the way?
Monoxide: Till the bus can’t start or our legs don’t do it, know what I’m sayin’? Till we can’t
do it nomore. We’ll just stay on the road.
Delusional: So what’s up on that Twiztid comic book and the action figures?
Monoxide: We been on that shit for like a year. Chaos Comics is some buuuullshittin’
motherfuckers. We was supposed to have a 12” doll out with the album of the cover and
poster. The winged demon. Like a statue actually or like a Jesus on the dashboard doll and
they just keep bullshittin’ and now that motherfucker ain’t comin’ out till the Thanksgiving of
next year so we were like fuck havin’ em do our action figures. We’re waitin’ on this shit and
as soon as it pops we’re goin’ somewhere else. It’s definitely in the works though. And they
were supposed to do a one shot comic for the album, a limited edition, strictly for the
Juggalo, know what I’m sayin’? It was all fresh. The comic book and the art was all different
for the CD and they just fucked around dog. For real. Same reason why Redman ain’t on our
LoKe: Yeah I remember ya’ll talkin’ bout that but it never came through.
Monoxide: Yup, we saw that motherfucker at a truck stop dog. He was like, “Oh shit! What’s
up ICP?” cuz he ain’t never met them but we were on that bus. Actually it was just Madrox,
Brian Gorie, and this kid named Inferno and Jamie was like “They ain’t on the bus man but
hey what’s up? I’m Jamie Madrox...” blazay, whatever, and was real cool and we told him
we were on Def Jam as well and we were super lookin’ forward to getting’ him to do a track,
he was like, “You on the label? Get a hold of me.” And he was like it aint nothin’. But it
wasn’t nobody but somebody fuckin’ around, know what I’m sayin’?
LoKe: Yeah. Hey a while back there was a rumor goin’ around that you were leaving
Psychopathic, but just recently you cleared that up, but they were also sayin’ somethin’ bout
“Phantom Zone Productions”. Is that real or made up?
Monoxide: Nah actually that was gonna be the name of our record company but then we
found out it was copyrighted already and somebody had the name, so now it became
Systasirosis Soundsquad but we ain’t goin’ nowhere. Straight up. That’s all that was. We’ve
been hearin’ that shit since the Gathering like “Ya’ll ‘bout to bounce?” Nah we ain’t goin
nowhere. We’re trump right where we’re at.
LoKe: So how’s Blaze’s shit comin’ along?
Monoxide: Straight. He’s in the studio doin’ his thing. His shit is comin’ along just swell.
LoKe: How ‘bout Dark Lotus?
Monoxide: Uhhh…Dark Lotus ended up bein’ on hold. It’s gonna come out. I got that shit
tatted on me. We all got it. We just doin’ that shit in between ICP and Twiztid, know what I’m
Delusional: You doin’ production on that one too?
Monoxide: Yeah, they actually asked us to do the whole album. Me and Madrox, but Shaggy
wanted to do it too so we’re gonna split it up, know what I’m sayin’?
Delusional: Tight.
Monoxide: Yeah, I love that shit. Productions the bomb.
Delusional: Yeah, no doubt.
LoKe: Ey, I read in Murder Dog, I don’t remember if it was you or Jamie who said it; but
somethin’ bout you bein’ cool with Eminem. What was that all about?
Monoxide: I met the motherfucker in a Kinko’s. He walked up on me and was like, “Ain’t you
on the House of Krazees?” and I was wit’ Brian and Jamie and I was like, “……..nah.” like
who the fuck are you? And he was like, “Nah man, it’s cool man. My name is Marshall.” And I
was like, “I don’t know you.” You know, blazay, whatever. But he ended up kickin’ it wit me
and it became cool, know what I’m sayin’? And I was like, “Aight I know who you are” and I
heard that he said he had a single out by the name of “Sole Intent” and I just happened to
pick it up. I went in one of the record stores and someone was like, “Listen to this shit.” And it
was dope. It was like “Whoa! That’s you?” So we kicked it and whatever and it turns out he
lives like 5 minutes from where I was stayin’ at. I’d be goin’ over his house and whatever and
I’d be hearin’ all that shit. I heard all that shit he’s puttin’ out [now] like a long time ago. As a
matter of fact, if I ever seem him, I’ma be like, “You KNOW you stole “Murder, Murder,
Murder” from us.” He knows it ‘cause he was like, “That’s the greatest shit I’ve ever heard
from ya’ll.” And he TOOK that shit!
LoKe: That’s pretty much the only bad thing ‘bout bein’ underground is that mainstream
muthafuckaz be stealin’ ya shit all the time.
Monoxide: Yeah and you know that shit was bugged out just to hear it ‘cause as soon as I
heard it I was like, “Ahhh, this shit’s off the hook!” But anyway, we ended up signin’ wit’ Def
Jam...or actually...he was doin’ a concert in Las Vegas ‘cause Myzery went to Las Vegas to do
like a Latino concert wit’ Big Pun, Fat Joe, and Psycho Realm; they were all on it and the
dude NayNay from Myzery actually ended up comin’ back to the tour tellin’ me he talked to
Eminem and he was like, “Tell Paul I said What up?” Then he signed wit’ Death Row and
Dr.Dre or whatever they shit they got goin’ on and we ended up signin’ wit Def Jam. So I was
like, “Call ‘em up, let’s see if he wants to go on a tour.” And the word got back to us that he
was like, “Well, FUCK Twiztid! They roll wit’ ICP. I can’t even fuck wit’ them” and I was like,
“WHAT?!”, know what I’m sayin’? Like, “Bitch, I’ll fuck you up!” He knows. He knows me
personally that I’m the type of motherfucker that if you say somethin’ on your album about
me, I’ma come to your house motherfucker ‘cause I know where you live. If I can get at you,
believe me I’ma get at you. He knows that’ s how we roll. He don’t know ICP. He don’t know
them muthafuckaz will beat the shit outta him. Swear to God dog. That’s why he’s talkin’ that
shit. Believe me. It’s because he don’t know. But anway, we heard that and were like, “Well,
fuck him!” Then he ended up dissin’ ICP and we go caught up into that shit. Then I ended up
askin’ this dude, the guy that supposedly came to my ass to right to his face; I was like, “Keep
it real man. As real as you’ve ever been wit’ me. Did that motherfucker say that?” and he was
like, “He ain’t never said nuthin’ bout ya’ll” so it’s like what the fuck? I don’t give a fuck. If I
see him on the street and he got somethin’ to say which I know he don’t, he won’t, then
what? It’s like we’re just caught in that spot. He dissed ICP, well fuck you! You ain’t got no
reason to diss them. They were doin’ this when you were just a nut stain in a underwear.
Show the respect. Pay homage.
LoKe: Does he even know that Jamie did the vocals for “Slim Anus”?
Monoxide: Nobody knows that and I’m glad ‘cause when he did it, I was like, “That was a
mistake. You should’ve never did that.” And the day after he did it, he was like, “Mistake.
Should’ve never did that.” That ain’t us! We don’t give a fuck about ANYBODY dog! If you ain’t
a Juggalo, fuck you! We ain’t got time to waste on you. I ain’t gonna waste 20 seconds of the
Juggalos’ time to spit somethin’ on MY album, on OUR album, about you. What the fuck? I
don’t need you to diss me on your album so your fuckin’ mainstream little groupies can come
and buy my shit to hear what I’ma say. Fuck you! Juggalos KNOW how it’s layin’! If you really
got somethin’ to say, say that shit. Just like we’ll say it. I ain’t got any time to diss ANYBODY
on a album. But if I see you, ya know what I’m sayin’? We saw muthafuckin’ Vanilla Ice when
he was doin’ the JCW shit. You know what I said? “Your shit USED to be fresh.” You know
what Esham told that motherfucker?
LoKe: Haha…what?
Monoxide: “I used to bump your shit, but nah…”
Delusional: Haha...oh shit!
Monoxide: Dog, it was sickening! He never saw that shit comin’. He probably thought we were
gonna be like, “Oh, Vanilla! What’s up man?” Nah, we were like, “Fuck you! You ain’t a
Juggalo. What the fuck are YOU doin’ here? Are you usin’ US as a publicity stunt?!” So they
kept him his muthafuckin’ ass away from us ‘cause they thought we were gonna whip his ass.
For real. That’s just how it is. We’re different people dog. We take all that shit personally. If a
promoter got some bad shit to say about us, well I’ma smack his ass! But we’re learnin’
though, and that’s somethin’ we learned from Psychopathic Records is to control that shit.
Suge Knight can do it, but we can’t do it getting’ into all this trouble and shit so we try to calm
down. And we were in jail like every other week missin’ shows, it was like c’mon dog. It’s
time to lay it down. Now we just try to keep tha
This interview was conducted by LoKe & Delusional of
First off we want to thank Alex Abbis and Dougie Doug for setting up the interview with
Monoxide. This was a great opportunity for to get all the answers that
Juggalos have been looking for. This interview contains shit found no where else but here at Everything from MTV to Eminem to Halfbreed and much more! It’s all
Delusional: So how has shit been since Freekshow’s been released?
Monoxide: It’s been straight. I mean the response wasn’t as big as we thought, but it was still
better than the last album.
Delusional: Yeah, no doubt.
Monoxide: It’s already probably at like 60,000; but the record labels, they’re like what the
fuck? But like, to us, it took us like 3 muthafuckin’ months to get to 60,000, know what I’m
sayin’? I’ll just be real wit’ it.
LoKe: Were you surprised to see it make it almost to the Top 50 [on the Billboard Charts]?
Monoxide: I don’t really pay attention to that Billboard shit. It’s cool, know what I’m sayin’?
That’s fresh but that’s all mainstream shit, you know, I don’t really fuck wit’ that shit. I mean
it’s cool, know what I’m sayin? Fuck it; that’s just another day, you know? Just another place
somebody saw Twiztid’s name.
Delusional: Jamie said on his last interview that his favorite track was “Empty”; how ‘bout
Monoxide: My favorite track is probably “Different”. That’s my shit; I like that a lot. I mean, I
like “Empty” too, know what I’m sayin’? It’s fresh.
LoKe: But “Different” really explains what Twiztid is all about.
Monoxide: That’s why I like it… exactly. Like that’s the band. That sums up me and Madrox
right there. That’s why I’m tryin’ to make that one the best. I mean that album is the shit to
me. To me that’s the best shit we’ve done so far; but it’s like, we ALREADY started on the next
shit. And that shit is like BETTER than this one! It just keeps getting’ better. We’re on the right
track, know what I’m sayin’? Everything keeps goin’ forward. Always keep it forward.
Delusional: So when’s that shit slated to come out, man?
Monoxide: Shit, we ain’t got no release date. We’re just getting’ it done, know what I’m
sayin? Just take a lil’ bit of time off before we go out on this tour. Just go into the studio and
just keep goin’ at it.
LoKe: You got any left-over scraps off Freekshow that you decided not to put on the album?
Monoxide: Nope, actually we used everything except the original version of “Different” was
somethin’ different. It was somethin’ completely different. It was completely different lyrics
and everything. It was a song called “I Remember”. It was fresh, but it didn’t fit, know what
I’m sayin’? And we ended up fuckin’ around and change the beat all up but if you listen to
that song “I Remember”, you know right off the bat like “that’s the shit from Different.” But
that’s the only thing. Everything else was just like, “that’s da bomb!” We like all of it. We
couldn’t even come wit’ a B-Side record this time, know what I’m sayin’? We used everything.
LoKe: You plan on ever releasing the original version of “Different”?
Monoxide: Oh, nah. I doubt it. Nah, not at all. But that’s just me talkin’. Madrox can talk me
into some shieet. He’ll be like, “Nah man trust me, this’ll be the shit!”, know what I’m sayin’?
He can talk me into it. But me? I’m like “nahhh”. I’m nervous wit’ shit like that. If it ain’t trump
tight, I don’t want people to hear it. Like wit’ the Cryptic Collection comin’ out. You gotta
House of Krazees track on it; shit just ain’t right. It ain’t the way I was, but he explained his
points and I was like, “aight, aight, I’ll let you fly wit’ it.” I mean it sold like a motherfucker,
but it’s like, it aint always about sellin’, ya know what I’m sayin?
LoKe: Yeah, that’s true. It’s as long as you keep the Juggalos happy.
Monoxide: Yeah, and that’s what it was. They were like, “that’s the shit!” It ended up poppin’
so I was like, “that was a good call.” But as far as me, personally inside of me, I ain’t feelin’
none of dat shit; except for “Ain’t A Damn Thang Changed” ‘cause that’s the shit. We did it
“Twiztid”, ya know? It was like, alotta that shit I don’t like. It was fresh but it’s like, keepin’ a
fire burnin’ for the people that just ain’t there, ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like, alotta people
now wanna hear the House of Krazees a lot and that’s because of me and Madrox. No ends to
R.O.C. or Halfbreed at all! Nobody gave a fuck about dat shit until we started doin’ somethin’.
It’s like, I want Juggalos to understand. Real true Juggalos, do not fuck wit’ dat shit, ya know
what I’m sayin’? Don’t get snowed into it and don’t think we’re still in the band, if that’s what
you’re lookin’ for. We have absolutely nothin’ to do wit’ it. If you wanna buy it just ‘cause you
like music, ya know, do ya thang. I don’t hate on anybody. But don’t think, ya know what I’m
sayin’, that we’re on that shit. We have nuthin’ to do wit’ it. We’ll NEVER have anything to do
wit’ it.
LoKe: Yeah and speakin’ of that, when you were goin’ by Hektik, someone told me you were
workin’ on a solo project called the “Undaworld”?
Monoxide: Nope, ya know what it was?
LoKe: What?
Monoxide: It was Brian (R.O.C.) always wantin’ to do a solo album. So he would constantly
push that he thought me and Madrox wanted to do a solo album. And it was always like nah,
ya know what I’m sayin’? If you wanna tell a muthafucka that, you can. But I’m not a solo
artist, know what I’m sayin’? And Madrox understands he ain’t a solo artist. He tried it and he
was like fuck this! Ya know what I’m sayin’? It was like me and him for life! That’s it. It’s me
and that kid for life! That’s how it is. Everything, me and him.
Delusional: No doubt. Psychopathic style man, shit.
Monoxide: Straight up!
Delusional: What’s up wit’ Lavel and Anybody Killa?
Monoxide: Lavel is a ol’ school homie, know what I’m sayin’? I go back wit’ Lavel longer than
I go back wit’ Madrox. About 20 years, know what I’m sayin’? That’s my ol’ school homie and
we’re on the road and he wants to do some shit so I was just like, “Alright. Go ‘head homie. If
it pops you can do it!”
LoKe: Is he releasing shit on Psychopathic?
Monoxide: Nah, he ain’t signed on the label. We’re just tryin’ to help him out, know what I’m
sayin’? Like he doesn’t know enough, yet. We couldn’t even fuck wit’ em. People gotta
understand that me and Madrox, we’re not artists. We’re everything. We’re management.
We’re everything. We do everything ourselves. Psychopathic is strictly advisors, so to speak.
We come wit’ all our shit and they tell us what can be reality and what can’t be reality. If you
asked them how much hand they had in this pocket and they’ll be like “none”. We learned so
much from these motherfuckers in the last 3 years. That’s all we’ve done. “Mostasteless”, we
didn’t have shit to do wit’ it. Nothin’.
LoKe: Yeah, Jamie told us Mike E. Clark basically did everything on Mostasteless.
Monoxide: He did everything except like 4 songs. 4 beats. Of course me and Madrox write our
own shit, know what I’m sayin’? But we didn’t have shit to do wit’ it.
LoKe: But wit’ Freekshow it was all on you and Jamie right?
Monoxide: Yeah. Well, actually like 99.9%, because Shaggy did the beat for “Maniac Killa”.
But you know what I’m sayin’, we hooked up wit’ this dude named Fritz, know what I’m
sayin’? And it just ended up clickin’. Now we like just got our own sound. It’s fresh. We’re
comfortable. Finally.
Delusional: Yeah, what’s that shit called? It’s like…Syst…--
Monoxide: Systasyrosis Soundsquad. It was illness and shit.
Delusional: Yeah, that’s some tight shit.
Monoxide: So you guys like the new album?
Delusional: Hell yeah man.
LoKe: I’ll be honest wit’ you. Before that shit came out I didn’t think ya’ll could top
Mostasteless but then I was like, “Damn ya’ll outdone yourselves for real!” That shit’s tight.
Monoxide: Thanks a lot man. We definitely spent some shit on this one, know what I’m
sayin’? We were a lil’ nervous ‘cause like he said, his song is “Empty”. We don’t ever rap on
that shit! It’s all singin’. Talkin’ me into it is like “YOU CAN DO IT!” [does voice of dude from
Water Boy].
LoKe: And you shocked the Juggalos too. No one expected you to make a song like that.
Monoxide: I know and it was like worrisome. The record label, they wanted us to first single it
to the album. Like either “Different” or “People Are Strange”. And it was like, “Nah, we can’t
do that.” That’s why we came up wit’ “We Don’t Die” strictly for the Juggalos. Straight up. If
we wanted to blow this bitch up, we would’ve went wit’ “People Are Strange” and God only
knows what would’ve happened. That’s somethin’ that we learned by signin’ on to a big label
that alotta shit ain’t even in our fuckin’ hands anymore. A motherfucker can take our shit to
radio and be like “here it is” and if that radio guy wants to play it, that shit ain’t got shit to do
wit’ us. We can whip his ass everyday, move to his city, but we can’t do shit about it. That’s
the shit we found out about. That’s kind of a disadvantage wit’ signin’ wit’ a big label. They
TRY to work that bitch to MTV. You know what MTV told us?
LoKe: What?
Monoxide: “Fuuuck you! We’ll never put anything by you guys as long as it says the word DIE.
We Don’t Die? Are you serious? Axe murderin’?” Straight up. They were like “You’re fuckin’
nuts! You’ll never get on this shit.”
Delusional: That’s bullshit.
Monoxide: AND they told us that Blaze was way to hardcore for MTV television ‘cause he got
“blood” on his t-shirt. Like the one [We Don’t Die video] that you see on The Box. That one’s
alright. It don’t explain the explicit one. But it don’t explain it right. The explicit one is off the
hook. That’s the one that’s real fresh.
LoKe: So you’re sayin’ there’s another version...
Monoxide: Yup and we made a documentary and it should be out in December.
LoKe: Yeah, I just recently found a website that said January 9th…but I dunno…
Monoxide: Oh O.K. Then there ya go. They was sayin’ before Christmas if they could but if not
it would be out in the beginning of January. It’s dope as fuck dog! It’s called “Beyond the
LoKe: Is it basically kinda like a “Shockumentary”?
Monoxide: No…well…it’s kinda like that but it’s kinda like a “Behind the Music” rip-off, know
what I’m sayin’? It’s all narrorated by this fuckin’ weirdo ninja. It talks about our lives and
growin’ up and it shows all these weirdo pictures, but it shows mad Gathering footage. Like
us performing at Hallowicked 2 years ago footage. Performing at the Gathering footage. It’s
got the explicit video on it. The clean video on it. It’s dope dog. ICP with our makeup. It’s off
the fuckin’ hook! Can’t wait for that shit to come out. We just like got done doin’ the edits on
that. So that’s final.
LoKe: Think ya’ll will ever come out wit’ another video for Freekshow?
Monoxide: Oh yea, ya know what I’m sayin’? If they give us how it was. They gave us the
control they let us do whatever we wanted. We came wit’ “We Don’t Die”, know what I’m
Delusional: That’s wack about MTV though man.
Monoxide: Yeah but it’s like what are ya gonna do though? It’s like whatever. We don’t plan
on that shit. I mean if it came we’d do whatever we could to keep that shit in come kinda
boundry. You’re definitely never gonna see us with Carson Daly with our hands in our pockets
singin’ the lyrics to “We Don’t Die”. I mean if MTV wanted to spin our shit I’d be like WHOA!
We must be doin’ somethin’ wrong. I’d have to question me and Madrox. What are we doing
wrong? Maybe my pants are too tight. Maybe I should put my shirt back on. Don’t let the
make-up fool you.
Delusional: Haha…speakin’ of MTV man, what do you think of ICP and shit on that?
Monoxide: Those motherfuckers have been around here for like 10 years! And it’s like the 6th,
the final Joker’s card, is gonna be huge, know what I’m sayin’? So the way I see it…it was
gonna happen either way. And it’s like, motherfuckers are goin’ crazy over it! Some of ‘em
are like “fuck yeah.”, some of ‘em are like “that’s some bullshit.” And I’ll listen to the hotline,
know what I’m sayin’? When I get the chance and it’ll be full and shit, I’ll give it a listen and
I’ll listen to what people are sayin’. And I’ll here motherfuckers be like one day, “Fuck ‘em!
I’m sellin’ all my shit! Fuck Psychopathic and shit. You guys are gonna sell out too.” And 3
DAYS LATER that same motherfucker will call back and be like, “My bad dog, I got to thinkin’
about it and it’s time to make this shit bigger than it’s ever been!”
LoKe: Yeah ‘cause I mean, it takes time for them to realize why they’re doin’ it.
Monoxide: Yeah and what they don’t realize is that they didn’t change. That was the same
motherfuckin’ video they were gonna come wit’ before MTV was like “we’re gonna play your
shit” and that’s the same one! They ain’t changed a God damn thang. That’s exactly it and
that’s what I think motherfuckers gotta sit back and respect that. And MTV changed. They
literally changed. And that’s dope. I gotta give some respect to that. We’re straight. But
they’re about the blow this bitch off the hook.
Delusional: But it’s fuckin’ wack what Juggalos or SO-CALLED Juggalos are doin’…
Monoxide: Listen… the same motherfuckers that are sayin’ FUCK ICP for goin on MTV can tell
you the run-down of the MTV menu. Like, “well at 4:30 there was TRL, and at 5:00 there was
like Late Night Hype, and at 6:00 was the Karaoke.” They religiously watch that shit! That’s
how they know “Deftones is all over MTV” or “Kottonmouth got played on MTV” that’s how
the motherfuckers know. ‘Cause they watch it. They constantly watch it. If all these
motherfuckers watched, we go to shows. You know how many Juggalos we seen at a Limp
Bizkit concert that were at the ICP show or the Twiztid show? It’s like who’s foolin’ who?
Come the fuck on dog. Like to go like “FUCK ICP” then go party wit’ Limp Bizkit, know what
I’m sayin’? Like “Fuck ICP for being on MTV!” then go out and buy the new “Chocolate Dog
Water with the Starfish”. Like it don’t make sense dog. It’s just like baffling.
LoKe: And another thing is that it’s just gonna take a while. They’re gonna get over it. I
remember when ICP played Woodstock, Juggalos were helly pissed. A couple of weeks later
they just forgot about it…
Monoxide: Yeah, c’mon dog, know what I’m sayin’? It’s like what the fuck? Juggalos are our
mass. Don’t get me wrong, theres alotta mad Juggalos out there but it’s like for what? That
reason I would pose for anybody. ANYBODY that says they sold out by going on MTV or
whatever or has any beef wit’ that. And that’s what I pose for that. If it wasn’t for fuckin
“Jimmy and Johnny Kimalo” watchin’ it 24 hours a day, there would be no MTV. I would
personally start the petition…I’ve asked many people…I’ve asked lawyers…if there was any
way, if it still exists where you can get enough signatures to shut down a station and they said
that would never happen; not in this day in age. I was like, “I can guarantee you I can get a
million signatures to shut down MTV,” and they wouldn’t do it. I was about to go on a
campaign for that shit. But they told me personally it’s a waste of time. We can’t win. I mean
it would’ve blew the band up sky high but it ain’t about that. There’s a point. There’s a
purpose to this shit. Like if motherfucker’s wanna get real then lets turn that motherfucker off.
Don’t watch it at all. You gotta survive dog. It’s all about people payin’ them to advertise on
their station ‘cause their ratings are like 39.0. They got 39 billion people watchin’ this
motherfucker 24 hours a day. And that’s just it. If nobody’s watchin’ it, why would you wanna
promote your item up on there? Straight up. All a buncha politics. Juggalos ain’t hearin’ that
shit. Not ALL Juggalos. Just some of these Juggalos. I know they’re gonna come around dog.
Just everyone needs to watch what they say. Just think about it. Don’t go sayin’, “FUCK
EVERYBODY! FUCK THIS SHIT!” Just think about it. Just think about it. We’re here to steal
everybody’s shit. If Limp Bizkit was like “come do a show”, I’ma do that bitch! ‘Cause I’ma
leave wit’ your audience. Your audience, your Limp Bizkits, will become Juggalos! That’s the
whole plan. The whole purpose. Juggalo army. Like millions…millions and millions. As big as
we can get it. So that the President and Vice President secretly putting on Twiztid make-up on
like “Axe Murderas!…” ya know? And if that’s what it takes to use the means of MTV or radio
or whatever dog, muthafuckaz needa pick up that shit. Like “fuck yeah dog, way to take that
shit to the next level” ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like c’mon, where else can they go? It’s
like they got a million motherfuckers in their army right now they can go and try and take
over the world wit’. And we bring it up to bat like fuck it. It’s all for ONE thing dog and that’s to
make this shit as big as it can. To have a family, know what I’m sayin’? Shit ain’t for us.
Definitly ain’t just for us. If it was then we’d just be throwin’ out any ol’ thang. You’d come to
our in-store and we’d be there for a half-hour and bounce. Ain’t a motherfucker who can tell
me that I ain’t shake their hand and just to hand out wit’ these motherfuckers for a
half-second. These are the people why I’m talkin’ to you on the phone right now.
Delusional: No doubt man… we appreciate that shit too.
Monoxide: And don’t think we don’t know that shit. We pay attention to everything dog.
Everything. That’s one thing I give me and Madrox big credit on is that we stay extremely
grounded dog. Our heads are exactly where they need to be. We’re surrounded by the right
people and that’s what we needed man. That’s why we signed to Psychopathic Records.
Direction. They know exactly where they need to be.
Delusional: Aight so what’s up wit’ the Psychopathic Ryda Solo albums?
Monoxide: Uhhh…just some more talk. Everyone was like hypin’ it up and some people went
to the studio and recorded. I’d love to. I love gangsta. That’s my shit. I love doin’ that. But like,
if it aint there, it aint there. If I don’t got the time and I’m too busy wit’ Twiztid, then Foe Foe
and them gotta wait, ya know? And everyone understands that. But Jamie, he’s gotta couple
and I think he might one on the internet as well.
LoKe: Yeah and a while back on the hotline J played clips of his, Shaggy’s, and Madrox.
Monoxide: Yeah, Jamie did 2 of them bitches. They all did 2…everybody but me. I dunno
what the fuck I was doin’. I think I was doin’ the album. Like pre-production on this.
Delusional:Yeah, no doubt about that man. Shit’s so tight man.
Monoxide: Thanks man. Tryin’ to get this bitch out there. I can’t wait for the fuckin’ tour dog.
LoKe: Yeah, Dougie told me you were startin’ on Friday?
Monoxide: Yup…Toledo. Get up outta the one in Williamsville, New York ‘cause the venue
burnt down. But this is where it’s at man. It’s on the road. I like doin’ in-stores personally
myself better than I like even doin’ shows but just bein’ on the road is where it’s at. In-stores
are the shit dog ‘cause like you can meet everybody, know what I’m sayin’? Got like a
half-second to kick it wit’ dis fucker. This girl that’s goin’ crazy and can’t breathe. It’s like God
damn, ya know what I’m sayin’? It’s like you don’t understand. It ain’t about me. I’ll be like
“hey how ya’ll doin’? Fuck me. How YOU doin’?” and that’s how we are. That’s how our shit
is. It ain’t just 2 people. Last time I checked on the last album [Mostasteless] there was like
250,000 people. There’s a bunch of us in the muthafucka. Me and Madrox, we represent.
We’re the visual representation. That’s it. We speak the words. That’s it. It ain’t nothin’ more
than that. There’s alotta muthafuckaz in this band.
LoKe: So how’s the Freekshow tour gonna be different from the Rock The Dead Tour?
Monoxide: Well the first difference is there will be alotta Freekshow material and we got
some straight ass production goin’ on. Fresh ass, crazy new merchandise. Whole line of
Freekshow shit. The set is devastating dog. Wait till ya’ll see it.
LoKe: Heh..yeah, speakin’ of that. You comin’ down to Florida?
Monoxide: Yeah, we will. We will be there. People are getting’ mad ‘cause they’re only
hearin’ me say shit up to the 17th and people gotta understand those ain’t the only dates.
That’s just the start. That’s just to kick it off. We weren’t originally gonna leave till January
‘cause of Christmas but then we were like fuck this, fuck sittin around, let’s go out there. Then
when we go back out in January it’s gonna be Freekshow still bringin’ the same show
everywhere. Everywhere where there will be atleast 2 muthafuckaz that will show up.
Delusional: How long is that tour gonna be by the way?
Monoxide: Till the bus can’t start or our legs don’t do it, know what I’m sayin’? Till we can’t
do it nomore. We’ll just stay on the road.
Delusional: So what’s up on that Twiztid comic book and the action figures?
Monoxide: We been on that shit for like a year. Chaos Comics is some buuuullshittin’
motherfuckers. We was supposed to have a 12” doll out with the album of the cover and
poster. The winged demon. Like a statue actually or like a Jesus on the dashboard doll and
they just keep bullshittin’ and now that motherfucker ain’t comin’ out till the Thanksgiving of
next year so we were like fuck havin’ em do our action figures. We’re waitin’ on this shit and
as soon as it pops we’re goin’ somewhere else. It’s definitely in the works though. And they
were supposed to do a one shot comic for the album, a limited edition, strictly for the
Juggalo, know what I’m sayin’? It was all fresh. The comic book and the art was all different
for the CD and they just fucked around dog. For real. Same reason why Redman ain’t on our
LoKe: Yeah I remember ya’ll talkin’ bout that but it never came through.
Monoxide: Yup, we saw that motherfucker at a truck stop dog. He was like, “Oh shit! What’s
up ICP?” cuz he ain’t never met them but we were on that bus. Actually it was just Madrox,
Brian Gorie, and this kid named Inferno and Jamie was like “They ain’t on the bus man but
hey what’s up? I’m Jamie Madrox...” blazay, whatever, and was real cool and we told him
we were on Def Jam as well and we were super lookin’ forward to getting’ him to do a track,
he was like, “You on the label? Get a hold of me.” And he was like it aint nothin’. But it
wasn’t nobody but somebody fuckin’ around, know what I’m sayin’?
LoKe: Yeah. Hey a while back there was a rumor goin’ around that you were leaving
Psychopathic, but just recently you cleared that up, but they were also sayin’ somethin’ bout
“Phantom Zone Productions”. Is that real or made up?
Monoxide: Nah actually that was gonna be the name of our record company but then we
found out it was copyrighted already and somebody had the name, so now it became
Systasirosis Soundsquad but we ain’t goin’ nowhere. Straight up. That’s all that was. We’ve
been hearin’ that shit since the Gathering like “Ya’ll ‘bout to bounce?” Nah we ain’t goin
nowhere. We’re trump right where we’re at.
LoKe: So how’s Blaze’s shit comin’ along?
Monoxide: Straight. He’s in the studio doin’ his thing. His shit is comin’ along just swell.
LoKe: How ‘bout Dark Lotus?
Monoxide: Uhhh…Dark Lotus ended up bein’ on hold. It’s gonna come out. I got that shit
tatted on me. We all got it. We just doin’ that shit in between ICP and Twiztid, know what I’m
Delusional: You doin’ production on that one too?
Monoxide: Yeah, they actually asked us to do the whole album. Me and Madrox, but Shaggy
wanted to do it too so we’re gonna split it up, know what I’m sayin’?
Delusional: Tight.
Monoxide: Yeah, I love that shit. Productions the bomb.
Delusional: Yeah, no doubt.
LoKe: Ey, I read in Murder Dog, I don’t remember if it was you or Jamie who said it; but
somethin’ bout you bein’ cool with Eminem. What was that all about?
Monoxide: I met the motherfucker in a Kinko’s. He walked up on me and was like, “Ain’t you
on the House of Krazees?” and I was wit’ Brian and Jamie and I was like, “……..nah.” like
who the fuck are you? And he was like, “Nah man, it’s cool man. My name is Marshall.” And I
was like, “I don’t know you.” You know, blazay, whatever. But he ended up kickin’ it wit me
and it became cool, know what I’m sayin’? And I was like, “Aight I know who you are” and I
heard that he said he had a single out by the name of “Sole Intent” and I just happened to
pick it up. I went in one of the record stores and someone was like, “Listen to this shit.” And it
was dope. It was like “Whoa! That’s you?” So we kicked it and whatever and it turns out he
lives like 5 minutes from where I was stayin’ at. I’d be goin’ over his house and whatever and
I’d be hearin’ all that shit. I heard all that shit he’s puttin’ out [now] like a long time ago. As a
matter of fact, if I ever seem him, I’ma be like, “You KNOW you stole “Murder, Murder,
Murder” from us.” He knows it ‘cause he was like, “That’s the greatest shit I’ve ever heard
from ya’ll.” And he TOOK that shit!
LoKe: That’s pretty much the only bad thing ‘bout bein’ underground is that mainstream
muthafuckaz be stealin’ ya shit all the time.
Monoxide: Yeah and you know that shit was bugged out just to hear it ‘cause as soon as I
heard it I was like, “Ahhh, this shit’s off the hook!” But anyway, we ended up signin’ wit’ Def
Jam...or actually...he was doin’ a concert in Las Vegas ‘cause Myzery went to Las Vegas to do
like a Latino concert wit’ Big Pun, Fat Joe, and Psycho Realm; they were all on it and the
dude NayNay from Myzery actually ended up comin’ back to the tour tellin’ me he talked to
Eminem and he was like, “Tell Paul I said What up?” Then he signed wit’ Death Row and
Dr.Dre or whatever they shit they got goin’ on and we ended up signin’ wit Def Jam. So I was
like, “Call ‘em up, let’s see if he wants to go on a tour.” And the word got back to us that he
was like, “Well, FUCK Twiztid! They roll wit’ ICP. I can’t even fuck wit’ them” and I was like,
“WHAT?!”, know what I’m sayin’? Like, “Bitch, I’ll fuck you up!” He knows. He knows me
personally that I’m the type of motherfucker that if you say somethin’ on your album about
me, I’ma come to your house motherfucker ‘cause I know where you live. If I can get at you,
believe me I’ma get at you. He knows that’ s how we roll. He don’t know ICP. He don’t know
them muthafuckaz will beat the shit outta him. Swear to God dog. That’s why he’s talkin’ that
shit. Believe me. It’s because he don’t know. But anway, we heard that and were like, “Well,
fuck him!” Then he ended up dissin’ ICP and we go caught up into that shit. Then I ended up
askin’ this dude, the guy that supposedly came to my ass to right to his face; I was like, “Keep
it real man. As real as you’ve ever been wit’ me. Did that motherfucker say that?” and he was
like, “He ain’t never said nuthin’ bout ya’ll” so it’s like what the fuck? I don’t give a fuck. If I
see him on the street and he got somethin’ to say which I know he don’t, he won’t, then
what? It’s like we’re just caught in that spot. He dissed ICP, well fuck you! You ain’t got no
reason to diss them. They were doin’ this when you were just a nut stain in a underwear.
Show the respect. Pay homage.
LoKe: Does he even know that Jamie did the vocals for “Slim Anus”?
Monoxide: Nobody knows that and I’m glad ‘cause when he did it, I was like, “That was a
mistake. You should’ve never did that.” And the day after he did it, he was like, “Mistake.
Should’ve never did that.” That ain’t us! We don’t give a fuck about ANYBODY dog! If you ain’t
a Juggalo, fuck you! We ain’t got time to waste on you. I ain’t gonna waste 20 seconds of the
Juggalos’ time to spit somethin’ on MY album, on OUR album, about you. What the fuck? I
don’t need you to diss me on your album so your fuckin’ mainstream little groupies can come
and buy my shit to hear what I’ma say. Fuck you! Juggalos KNOW how it’s layin’! If you really
got somethin’ to say, say that shit. Just like we’ll say it. I ain’t got any time to diss ANYBODY
on a album. But if I see you, ya know what I’m sayin’? We saw muthafuckin’ Vanilla Ice when
he was doin’ the JCW shit. You know what I said? “Your shit USED to be fresh.” You know
what Esham told that motherfucker?
LoKe: Haha…what?
Monoxide: “I used to bump your shit, but nah…”
Delusional: Haha...oh shit!
Monoxide: Dog, it was sickening! He never saw that shit comin’. He probably thought we were
gonna be like, “Oh, Vanilla! What’s up man?” Nah, we were like, “Fuck you! You ain’t a
Juggalo. What the fuck are YOU doin’ here? Are you usin’ US as a publicity stunt?!” So they
kept him his muthafuckin’ ass away from us ‘cause they thought we were gonna whip his ass.
For real. That’s just how it is. We’re different people dog. We take all that shit personally. If a
promoter got some bad shit to say about us, well I’ma smack his ass! But we’re learnin’
though, and that’s somethin’ we learned from Psychopathic Records is to control that shit.
Suge Knight can do it, but we can’t do it getting’ into all this trouble and shit so we try to calm
down. And we were in jail like every other week missin’ shows, it was like c’mon dog. It’s
time to lay it down. Now we just try to keep tha

Jamie Madrox Interview
This interview was conducted by Delusional & DjLoKe of
You want some answers & info about Twiztid? Look no more, the shit's right here!
RJ: Psychopathic Records has conquered the underground music industry, it's debut movie
made #1 on the Billboard Charts for 3 straight weeks, JCW was a huge success; so after
having music, movies, and sports locked down, what's next for Psychopathic?
Jamie Madrox: It's hard to look that far into the future, when there's so much goin on wit
Psychopathic right now. Wit Freek Show, Bizaar, Bizzar, two major tours, recording Dark
Lotus, and filming Big Money Hustlas 2, we pretty much busy.
RJ: And how about Twiztid specifically?
Jamie Madrox: As for Twiztid, you can expect to see the Freek Show tour in your neck of the
woods starting Dec. 1st, as well as Mockumentary (as we like to call it), about me and
Monoxide's past. It's definately some flavor, so be sure to pick it up. It's even got an
uncensored version of the We Dont Die video, for all you mutha fuckos that don't got The Box
or just flat out ain't seen it yet.
RJ: How was working on "Freek Show" different from working on "Mostasteless"? What can
the Juggalos expect from it?
Jamie Madrox: Wit Mostasteless, we were pretty much new to the whole production seen. We
wanted to produce a few trax to give it a try and see if we could really do it. We did 2nd Hand
Smoke, What The Fuck, Die Mutha Fucka Die, and Renditions Of Reality, which in my opinion
are some of the freshest jointz on the whole album. Mike E. Clark was a big help to us though.
He showed us how to work the studio magic, and taught us somethin about a midi, I think, but
I really don't remember. Wit Freek Show, we decided to take the full responsibility of the
album. We hooked up wit our homie Fritz The Cat and formed Systasyrosis Soundsquad,
which is our production team. When we originally discussed Freek Show, it was only gonna
have 12-14 trax, but we ended up having so much of a bomb ass time making music, when we
weeded out the bullshit, we still had 18 unbelievably fresh songs for the album. Juggalos can
expect to get their wigs split back! Freek Show is by far the best album Monoxide and myself
have ever recorded, straight-the-fuck-up, Twiztid Serial Killin' Juggalo style!
RJ: "Renditions of Reality" has gotta be, without a doubt, one of the deepest songs Twiztid
has ever laid verses on. What's the main message you wanted given to the Juggalos when
you were writing your lyrics?
Jamie Madrox: So many people critisise us for being too violent, or we're phoney and we
don't rap about being real, or my personal favorite, that we promote evil in our music, and so
on and so forth, that we wanted to make a song talking about reality, and all the stale day to
day shit that people go through. The song is basically a slap in the face to wake people up
and take a look at life. As far as a message, I would have to say united we stand divided we
fall, "Believe in me and I'll believe in you and everything's tight". Without hope there is no
future, And if you truly believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.
RJ: Can you speculate at all on what your plans are for the Freek Show tour?
Jamie Madrox: Well there is serious speculation that we are bringing our Freek Show tour to
each and every market, nation wide, unlikee the Rock The Dead tour that was mainly east
coast dates. I can also speculate on the set. It's supposta be an under-world type feel, very
dark and creepy, a mix of pergatory and hell, I guess. The opening acts? I can speculate on
them, too. As far as I know nothing is confirmed, but since we just speculating, look for Blaze
Ya Dead Homie, and (Rap-rock act) Primer 55, to be in da mix.
RJ: Why do you think Feminem is quick to throw a diss at ICP, but won't even mention
Jamie Madrox: When you dis someone by name all you do is put that person's name in the
minds of all who are listening, more or less a plug if you know what I mean. So when
fag-balls dissed my boys, he already knew they were stars, so they were easier to attack
because people know who they are. As far as us, we're so underground, if you ain't a
Juggalo, you don't know who the fuck Twiztid is, and all of Anus' fans would have been like
"Dude who's M dissin dude?" "Dude mabye thats the dudes who were kickin it wit Kim at Hot
Rocks dude?" and that would have left all of the candy coated rapper's fans stupified. Just
know that no longer how long it takes to run into that kid, when we do, no matter if he dissed
us by name or what, we're still gonna beat that ass! When you dis someone's family you dis
them too. Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J are like brothers to us and if they got beef wit a bitch
ass mutha fucka, then the hatchet got beef wit that bitch ass mutha fucka too! AND DON'T
RJ: How was your experience making your first video ["We Don't Die"]?
Jamie Madrox: It was the shit! Somehow the script we wrote was becoming a real video right
before our very eyes and that feeling was enough to bring immense karma to the both of us.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you, it seemed like it took forever for us to finally make a video,
but from the beginning of Twiztid, Monoxide and I said we would never make a half ass
video, and if we ever did make a video, it would be exactly the way we want it. Our patience
and determination was finally a reality when we hit Universal Studios in L.A. with director
Paul Anderson to begin filming. The "We Don't Die" video and song are more or less a thank
you to all the true Twiztid Serial Killin' Juggalos who been down wit us since day one, and
have been more than patient waiting for a visual to go along wit all that slammin ass audio
over the years! I hope all y'all enjoy it as much as we do!
RJ: Are any other singles planned for Freek Show?
Jamie Madrox: Well I can speculate that if there were to be any other singles off Freek Show,
they would be "Different", "People Are Strange", and - or "Fall Apart". Please keep in mind
I'm speculating of course.
RJ: How's Blaze's new shit comin' along?
Jamie Madrox: Blaze has been in and out of the studio a lot lately, recording trax for his new
album (ONE LESS G IN THE HOOD) scheduled to be in stores fall of 2001. I heard 2 of the 5
tracks recorded so far and they're tight as hell! The 1st joint he played for me was
"Maggot-Face", a tripped out story about the time he spent while buried in the earth, alone in
the dark. The 2nd joint was a song about robbing a liquor store in the broad day light. The
track is called "Saturday Afternoon" and is definately off the chain and the hook.
RJ: Can you speculate or give us any information on the Dark Lotus project?
Jamie Madrox: I can speculate that there will be a very strange, and interesting vibe
surrounding the Dark Lotus project. You have to keep in mind this is not an ICP or Twiztid
record, it's a Dark Lotus record. So I would continue to have to speculate, and say expect to
sound nothing like ICP or Twiztid. A true experience into the realm of the dark, and that's all
the Dark Carnival will let me reveal at this time.
RJ: What's your favorite track off Freek Show? My speculation would be We Don't Die - it
being the single and all - but if not, what is it?
Jamie Madrox: My favorite track off Freek Show would have to be "Empty", #13 on the CD.
There is something about that song that gives me the chills, it's like it has a personality or
something. Even before we finished recording it, I knew that it would be my favorite. It just
has this feeling that I can't explain. Seeing how I'm superstitious as hell, Monoxide decided to
help me overcome my fear of the #13, by putting my favorite song under that I.D. #, so that
every time I wanna hear my jam I gotta skip to good ol' unlucky 13 to hear it. What a pal.
RJ: Everybody wants to know what's up on some Freek Show merchandise. Can you
speculate on some titles & descriptions?
Jamie Madrox: As far as Freek Show merch goes, I can speculate on a few things, like 5 new
t-shirts, the Freek Show album cover t-shirt, a Mutant-X t-shirt, a Twiztid Blood t-shirt (like the
promotional posters, where I'm dead), a Dark Carnival t-shirt (group shot of ICP & Twiztid),
and a Magic Ninjas t-shirt, for all you Big Stank and Lil' Poot type ninjas. There is also gonna
be a new Twiztid Freek Show black light poster, and I can't forget about the new Freek Show
hockey jerseys that are hella phat. It doesn't stop there, cause I ain't told you about the snow
hats, 2 new posters, and not to mention vinyl and full color stickers, and much more to come.
RJ: Aight, that's all the shit we got for ya. We wanna thank you again for doin' this shit for us.
We really appreciate it... But before you jet, are there any shout outs or props you wanna
send out to anybody?
Jamie Madrox: I wanna say thanx to all of yall at Real for the interview love n'
shit. To all the true Twiztid Serial Killin' Juggalos worldwide, for representin, and keepin it
Dark Carnival 4 Life! to my brother Monoxide, Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, and my dead homie
Blaze, HATCHET STYLE DOUBLE O 2 INFINITY!!!! To Fritz The Cat and his traveling studio-